Keeping the Flame of Hope Alive for 25 Years

“I grew up in south Guatemala, where it is very poor,” Mario shares. “I can remember at six years old, going door-to-door asking for food.”  

In pursuit of the American Dream, Mario and his wife of 47 years, Maria, immigrated to the U.S. 35 years ago with their four children. 

“When we first came to the U.S., I didn’t speak English, but was prepared for hard work,” Mario remembers. “I was looking for a job, so I went to the Catholic Church and started praying for a job. All of a sudden, a woman taps my shoulder and asks if I am looking for work. I said, ‘Yes!’ and she gave me a business card for a nursing home. When I went to the nursing home they gave me a job in housekeeping, but didn’t recognize the name of the woman who had sent me...” 

Despite still learning English, Mario and Maria would soon become certified CNAs, continuing their career for 32 years. They quickly attributed all their success to God.

Devout Catholics, Mario and Maria are very involved at their parish, St. Vincent de Paul in Elkhart. They spend much of their free time evangelizing about the love of Jesus to their community and family. 

“When I was a boy, I took a bus all by myself, to find my family who lived hours away,” said Mario. “I can remember the bus dropped me off when it was dark. I was just a kid, so I didn’t have a flashlight. I started walking, not sure if I was going the right way. All of a sudden, an old man came out of nowhere and said, ‘You need a light!’ He gave me a torch and sent me on my way, but when I looked back, there was no one around. From that moment on, I have been carrying that light.” 

After raising their family, paying off their mortgage, and building a successful career, there was just one more thing they needed to complete their American dream. Two years ago, they made an appointment with Catholic Charities to become U.S. citizens. After meeting with staff, they soon realized they checked all the boxes for naturalization. After completing their application and passing their interview, Mario and Maria become U.S. citizens in March. 

“We want to say thank you to Catholic Charities for helping us achieve our dream,” Maria exclaimed. 


Building hope, one bed at a time


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