Auburn Children Christmas Shop for Parents

On Tuesday, December 12, Catholic Charities’ North Region Office, located in Auburn, hosted a Christmas shopping night for children. As beneficiaries of the Christmas Program, almost 40 children attended the one-night shop to pick out free gifts for their parents.

“This is our first year hosting a shopping night for children,” said Aaron Roberts, North Region Associate Director. “We focus on bringing hope and joy to the children in our annual program but realized the opportunity to give brings as much joy as receiving. We didn’t want to rob children of that opportunity. Our volunteers and staff stocked the shop with little things everyone needs, yet are fun to pick out for the children.”   

Catholic Charities’ Christmas Program pairs sponsors with children 18 and under who otherwise cannot celebrate the holiday. This year, the program has 138 children sponsored and runs until December 20.

“Thank you to all our volunteers,” said Roberts. “Without all the hours our RSVP volunteers give to this program, we wouldn’t be able to help so many families during Christmas.”


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