$26 a Month Campaign

What is the $26 Campaign?

Catholic Charities is where hope begins for thousands of families. Some are at the beginning of their journey, others are on the cusp of self-sufficiency. To raise awareness and combat common misconceptions of why some families struggle to make ends meet, we begin the $26 Campaign. We are asking stakeholders to pledge $26 a month in support of working families.

Why $26?

A family of four (two adults, one school-aged child, and one preschooler) must make on average $26/hour to bring home enough to be self-sufficient – meaning costs are not subsidized by public assistance. This wage must cover areas of housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, food, and miscellaneous items like clothing, hygiene, and cleaning products.  

Check out the Indiana Community Action Poverty Institute’s Self-Sufficiency Calculator.

Why are we focused on a self-sufficient wage vs. the Federal Poverty Level?

  • In 2018,  13% of Indiana households were in poverty, meaning they earned below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). 

  • 24% of Indiana households – almost double the number in poverty – earned above the FPL but less than the cost of living in their county. 


2022 Anti-Trafficking Conference


Press Release: Catholic Charities and PFW Sign MOU